Lawson Hammock

Lawson Hammock Company® was founded in 1997 and built around the Blue Ridge Camping Hammock (BRCH).

Being outdoor enthusiasts, the folks at Lawson Hammock needed a tent that was lightweight, weatherproof, extremely tough, environmentally low-impact, and, most importantly, adaptable to a variety of terrains. Their search led them to the Blue Ridge Camping Hammock, and they fell in love with it. Since then they've improved the product, patented it and marketed it worldwide.

The BRCH is now being used by thousands of people in over 25 countries. From the jungles of Borneo to the coast of New Zealand, the BRCH has withstood the tests of time, weather, and other incidentals to remain one of the best camping hammocks on the market.

Lawson Hammock - The Good Life!
