Kiss My Face

Started by two vegetarians on the hunt for high-quality natural healthcare products, Kiss My Face® was founded on a 200-acre organic farm in New York and has been operating out of a converted barn and feed store ever since. Offering over 150 all-natural products that combine the most effective ingredients nature has to offer, the company has been a "green" industry player since the early 1980s.

Kiss My Face products contain no artificial colors, unnecessary chemical additives, or animal ingredients and are not tested on animals. Its utilization of nature's vitamins, minerals and botanicals to manufacture high-quality sought after healthcare products proves that glamour and good looks do not have to be sacrificed for healthy, cruelty-free, eco-friendly product choices. When you use a Kiss My Face product, everybody wins - your face and body, our farmers, animals and the planet. It's a win-win all around!

For the best in all-natural soaps, lip balms, sunscreens and moisturizers, treat yourself to Kiss My Face.
