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North Woods Law New Hampshire

Here's to another season with a Granite State reason to watch Animal Planet’s popular NORTH WOODS LAW.  The reality show, originally set in Maine, now follows conservation officers from the State of New Hampshire Fish & Game Department as they work tirelessly to protect the state’s natural resources from the White Mountains to the NH Seacoast.

Meet personalities from NORTH WOODS LAW: NEW HAMPSHIRE on Saturday, December 23, 10am - 2pm, when two NH Conservation Officers will be guests in our Archery Department.  They will answer questions, provide information on Operation Game Thief and increase awareness of their roles in preserving NH’s wildlife & outdoor recreational activities.

Visit Animal Planet’s NORTH WOODS LAW for this season’s episodes:

NH Conservation Officers are task with enforcing the laws, rules & regulations involving NH’s wildlife, off-road recreational vehicles and marine resources; conservation officers prosecute all their own cases involving wildlife offenses.  They also provide search & rescue response when called upon to do so.

For information on New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Law Enforcement Division, visit:




In the event of cancellation due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, a notice will be posted on and our facebook page. You may also call Kittery Trading Post at 888-587-6246.