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The story of the K-Drill® spans nearly 60 years in development. It's named after the Kluge family that created one of the first gas powered ice drills back in 1959.

Jacob Kluge, was a visionary who experimented with one of the first electric powered ice drilling systems. He was a true pioneer in ice drilling technology and was the first to create a chipper cutting blade. Back in the day, ice blocks were common and ice picks were used to fracture the ice. If you hit the ice at just right angle, it would be easy to create small chunks of ice. Jacob designed a blade with five cutting fingers to chip the ice at just the right angle so as not to dig in or skip across the surface. Indeed the chipper blade proved to be revolutionary for ice hole drilling and his very design is used in the K-Drill nearly 60 years later!

Today, the Kluge family is still active in all phases of the current and future designs of the K-Drill to ensure their family tradition for American-made quality and innovation continues for many years to come.
The product-sales-price is USD 279.99
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Fishing gear encompasses a wide range of tools and equipment used by anglers to catch fish. It includes fishing rods, reels, lines, hooks, bait, lures, nets, and much more. With so many different types of fish and fishing locations available, fishing gear comes in various sizes and styles to cater to different fishing methods and species. For example, fly-fishing gear features lightweight rods and intricate lures, while deep-sea fishing requires heavy-duty rods and reels capable of reeling in larger fish. Additionally, fishing gear can range from basic and affordable to high-end and expensive. Regardless of budget or skill level, there is a large variety of fishing gear available at Kittery Trading Post to accommodate every angler's specific needs and preferences.

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