
Buck Bomb Predator Bomb Coyote Urine - 6.65 oz. zoom in


Buck Bomb Predator Bomb Coyote Urine - 6.65 oz.

With the Predator Bomb Coyote Urine, you’re equipped with pure, fresh coyote urine cover scent that will greatly reduce the chance of your own scent tainting the downwind side of your calling location.

The simple convenience of Predator Bomb Coyote Urine means the end of fumbling with messy screw-top bottles of attractant scent.

Spray short bursts of Coyote Urine around your decoy and remote caller, or combine it with Predator Bomb Fox Urine or Rabbit Urine to confuse the noses of wary predators. Alternately, lock down the valve and empty the contents of the can all at once to unleash a potent cloud of scent that can travel in excess of a quarter mile on a 3 mph breeze. The atomized scent sticks to everything it contacts, creating a natural scent trail right to your location.

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Buck Bomb® exploded onto the scene in 2004 by creating a revolutionary scent dispersal system like no one else in the industry. Their small, easy-to-use, clever cans disperse the scent into the air with up to a half a mile of effectiveness. 

Buck Bomb was awarded Maurice Sporting Goods vendor for the year 2007-2009, and Buck Bomb products have appeared on the History Channel, Sportsman Channel, and ESPN.
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