
Odins Innovations Earth Scent Eliminator Scent Beads - 3 oz. zoom in


Odin's Innovations Earth Scent Eliminator Scent Beads - 3 oz.

Earth Scent is specifically formulated to minimize human scent while on the hunt - putting game more at ease with the simple smell of the earth you prey walk on.

  • Time release scent beads
  • Synthetic earth scent
  • Easy to use
  • Biodegradable
  • Scent lasts for one month or longer, regardless of weather
  • Size: 3 oz.
As a smart hunter, you don't want to introduce your human scent to your hunting grounds any more than necessary. Scientifically formulated deer scents from Odin's Innovations® remain effective longer, so you can keep away from your honey hole, and allow that trophy to establish a feeding pattern you can follow. Extensive lab and field tests confirm Odin's time-release scents last for 30 days or more, regardless of weather.
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