
HODAG Licking Stick System zoom in


HODAG Licking Stick System

Natural Licking Sticks are used for scent communication by deer. The HODAG® Licking Stick System gives you everything you need to create a Licking Stick where you choose, whether that be in front of your trail camera or stand. Create a self sustaining setup that will be used year-round by taking advantage of a whitetails natural behavior and curiosity.

Visually creates interest by taking advantage of a whitetail's curiosity and then stimulates physical interaction with the use of AllSeason Scent™, jump starting your communal scent hub.

System includes:

  • Licking Stick FlexPlate™
  • Two 12" anchoring stakes
  • AllSeason Scent with applicator cap - 8 fl. oz.
HODAG® Outdoors manufacturers scent communication products designed to put deer on a spot. Get more and better pictures, videos, and shot opportunities with HODAG.
Description Price Qty

HDGLSO - High-Viz Orange

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HDGLST - BlendIn Tan

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