
DogBone RealHide Deer Hide Drag zoom in


DogBone RealHide Deer Hide Drag

Naturally processed and preserved, the RealHide™ Drag is a real piece of deer hide. Upon opening the package, you'll need to rehydrate the RealHide by soaking in water for approximately 15 minutes. After use, place your RealHide in a plastic bag and freeze it between training sessions.

  • Real deer hide
  • Naturally processed and preserved
  • Soaking in water before using
  • Reusable
Jeremy Moore started training dogs professionally in 2003. After realizing he was faced with an issue in attempting to train a shed dog, the DogBone® line of products was born. Several years and patents later, DogBone continues to be the innovative leader in the deer-dog revolution and more.
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