
Excalibur Micro Mag 340 Raid Crossbow Package zoom in


Excalibur Micro Mag 340 Raid Crossbow Package

The Mag 340 brings best in class performance, value, accuracy, and a lifetime warranty at an unmatchable price. This crossbow is designed to take care of all your needs, capable of taking down any animal in any situation. With an aluminum frame, anti dry-fire, premium trigger, and Excalibur's® R.E.D. Suppressors, this crossbow package is a dependable companion for beginners and pros alike. And it’s all tied together with Excalibur's premium Dead Zone Scope. If you’re looking for a workhorse crossbow, with lifetime dependability at an affordable price...look no further than the Mag 340 from Excalibur.

Package includes:

  • Dead Zone Scope
  • Guardian Anti-Dry Fire System
  • R.E.D. Suppressors
  • 1" Scope Rings
  • 4 – Arrow Quiver
  • 3- Quill Arrows
  • 3 – 100gr Field Points
  • Rope Cocking Aid
  • Owners Manual
  • Sound Deadening System
  • Air Brakes
At Excalibur®, they aren't a big business cashing in on crossbow hunting. They're crossbow hunters who build crossbows. Their first priority is to make the most efficient, reliable, and accurate hunting crossbow that money can buy. Their ideas don't come from engineers. They come from experience and nothing leaves the drawing board without being subject to extensive testing by the toughest, most uncompromising product evaluators in the deer woods - the folks at Excalibur.

With Excalibur, accuracy is more than just a word, it's a guarantee! They guarantee that each and every bow they produce is capable of shooting groups of 3" or less at 25 yards using broadheads.

How can they deliver this kind of performance? Simply by sticking to the basics. Their lightening fast recurve limbs turn out more speed than compound systems with a fraction of their weight, noise, or mechanical failures. The trigger mechanism has a pull that would make your rifle jealous, and their composite and aluminium stock is virtually indestructible. Tie these all together and you've got a crossbow that can weather all the abuse you can hand out, and still deliver the speed, accuracy and reliability that you need for a lifetime of service.

Excalibur Crossbow - Recurve... Simply Perfect.
Description Speed fps Weight Draw weights Price Qty


More Info
Up to 340 fps 5.5 lbs. 270 lbs. $749.99