
Vegucated Family Table by Marisa Miller Wolfson & Laura Delhauer zoom in


Vegucated Family Table by Marisa Miller Wolfson & Laura Delhauer

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For both vegans and the veg-curious, The Vegucated Family Table answers the question every caregiver ponders on a daily basis: "What should I feed my child?" But this book goes a step further, showing parents how to navigate the early years of childhood as a vegan, giving not only recipes and nutritional advice but also tips for holidays, packed lunches, play dates and more. 
Unlike other family-oriented vegan cookbooks, The Vegucated Family Table is the first to focus on raising vegans from scratch, from five months through elementary school. A Q&A section focuses on nutrition, with advice by renowned pediatric plant-based expert Reed Mangels. 

With more than 125 rigorously tested recipes for beloved dishes like Baby Mac-o-Lantern and Cheeze, Chickpea Sweet Potato Croquettes, PBJ Smoothie Bowl, Tempeh Tacos, Baby’s First Birthday Smash Cake, and more, this book will become the go-to reference for parents raising vegan children.

  • Paperback
  • 125 kid-friendly recipes
  • 240 pages
  • Dimensions: 9.1"H x 7.4"W

ISBN: 9781984857170

Penguin Random House® is the international home to more than 300 editorially and creatively independent publishing imprints. Together, their mission is to foster a universal passion for reading by partnering with authors to help create stories and communicate ideas that inform, entertain and inspire, and to connect them with readers everywhere.
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