
The Scouts Outdoor Cookbook by Christine Conners & Tim Conners zoom in


The Scout's Outdoor Cookbook by Christine Conners & Tim Conners

The Scout's Outdoor Cookbook emphasizes the best food preparation and techniques currently used in scouting. Thoroughly covered are recipes employing time-tested cooking methods using Dutch ovens, pots and pans, grills, and open fire. Many outstanding no-cook dishes are also provided.

Enjoy over three hundred favorite recipes of leaders from the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the USA, such as: Flying Pigs in Sleeping Bags, Buckeye Biscuits and Gravy, Scoutcraft Meatloaf, Worm Burgers, Johnny Appleseed Pork Chops, Black Swamp Pasta, Oooey Gooey Extwa Toowy Bwownies, Black Bart’s Salmagundi, Chicken and Varmints, Teenage Sugar Addict Orange Rolls, Barracuda Stroganoff, Jeepers Creepers Dirt Parfait, the World’s Largest S’mores, and hundreds more!

Sometimes wacky, always practical, this book will help the new camp cookie to develop a thorough foundation of basic skills, while providing the experienced chef with plenty of new recipes and techniques to add additional dimension and enjoyment to their outdoor cooking.

  • Paperback
  • 400 pages
  • Dimensions: 9"H x 6"W

ISBN: 9780762740673

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Falcon® Publishing was founded in Helena, Montana, in 1979 with one book - Hiking Montana by company co-founder and president Bill Schneider. From there Falcon went on to become North America's leading publisher of outdoor recreation books, its list growing to more than 700 titles before becoming part of the Globe Pequot family in the fall of 2000.

With books and content covering the entire spectrum of outdoor activities, ranging from hiking and rock climbing guides to environmental preservation and wildlife identification, their objective is to outfit your mind with the best possible information on where to go, how to get there, and what to see once you arrive.
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