
MSR Pika 1 L Teapot zoom in


MSR Pika 1 L Teapot

Featuring a precise-pour design, this ultralight aluminum teapot dispenses a steady, thick, targeted stream of water that's ideal for mastering pour-over coffee and for filling small-mouth vessels.

The teapot's no-drip spout eliminates any dribble after you pour, and its special lid stays on when pouring but comes off easily otherwise.The handle also stays upright, away from the hot teapot, for easy handling and to help keep hands cool. 

  • Featherweight, ultralight, hard-anodized aluminum design
  • Dispenses robust, non-turbulent column of water that’s easy to direct
  • Lid stays on when pouring; lifts off easily when teapot is upright
  • Excellent alternative to small pot for boiling water for dehydrated meals
  • Wide opening facilitates easy cleaning
  • Stows PocketRocket® 2 with case or PocketRocket® Deluxe stove plus coffee or tea ingredients, all sold separately
  • Dimensions: 3.5"H x 5.5" diameter
  • Weight: 5.25 oz.
From the days of the Eagle Ice Axe®, an early offering in its line, Mountain Safety Research® has grown into an industry giant with an eclectic array of products including tents, packs, snowshoes, and stoves. From its vast award-winning accomplishments have come such innovative products as the WhisperLite® stove, the Denali® snowshoe, and the Hubba Hubba® tent.

Started as a one-man crusade to call attention to the safety and quality of climbing equipment, the company has been dedicated to developing reliable and safe outdoor products for over 30 years. Its innovative, functional, and high-quality gear is designed and manufactured, with few exceptions, right here in the good ole' US of A - Seattle, to be exact.

So pick up some MSR gear and walk confidently during your next extreme (or backyard) adventure.
Description Capacity Dimensions Weight Price Qty


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1 liter 3.5"H x 5.5" diameter 5.25 oz. $39.95