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It started with a guy named Patrick and his dog named Zuke.

Anyone who's experienced an aha! moment can perfectly recollect the date, time and place that the proverbial light bulb went off. For Patrick Meiering, it was the summer of 1995 on a hike in the Colorado Mountains. Partrick’s trusty companion, a two-year-old chocolate lab named Zuke, had become exhausted once they reached the summit. Patrick had an energy bar for himself, but nothing for Zuke, so he broke off a piece of his energy bar and tossed it to him. Zuke perked right up and there it was, the moment Patrick realized that pets need healthy all-natural treats too. Patrick returned home full of inspiration and made the first Zuke’s® treat, an energy bar called PowerBones. Now, 20+ years later this healthy, natural and nutritious treat is for every dog, not just mountain climbers like Zuke.
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