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Hareline Dubbin

Hareline Dubbin
Hareline Dubbin®, Inc. manufactures and distributes some of the worlds finest fly tying materials available in today's market.

The company was founded in 1981 by Bob and Nelda Borden. It has grown from the kitchen stove top with 12 colors of Hareline Dubbin to a 15,000 square foot facility with thousands of fly tying products ready to deliver.

Hareline has had over 30 years experience delivering fly tying materials throughout the world, and the staff has over 100 years of combined fly tying knowledge. They're constantly working to develop new tying products for their customers and for themselves.

Fishing gear encompasses a wide range of tools and equipment used by anglers to catch fish. It includes fishing rods, reels, lines, hooks, bait, lures, nets, and much more. With so many different types of fish and fishing locations available, fishing gear comes in various sizes and styles to cater to different fishing methods and species. For example, fly-fishing gear features lightweight rods and intricate lures, while deep-sea fishing requires heavy-duty rods and reels capable of reeling in larger fish. Additionally, fishing gear can range from basic and affordable to high-end and expensive. Regardless of budget or skill level, there is a large variety of fishing gear available at Kittery Trading Post to accommodate every angler's specific needs and preferences.