
Smith & Wesson Model 629 Classic 44 Magnum / 44 S&W Special 6.5 6-Round Revolver zoom in

Smith & Wesson Model 629 Classic 44 Magnum / 44 S&W Special 6.5" 6-Round Revolver

Smith & Wesson's® large frame revolvers are a favorite choice among handgun hunters, competitive shooters and revolver enthusiasts. 

  • Stainless steel frame and barrel
  • Satin stainless finish
  • Synthetic grip
  • Red ramp front sight
  • Adjustable white outline rear sight
  • Single / double action 
  • Overall length: 12"
  • Weight: 3 lbs. 0.4 oz.
  • Suggested use: Competition shooting, enthusiast, hunting
Horace Smith and Daniel Baird Wesson formed a partnership in 1852 to manufacture a firearm that could fire a fully self-contained cartridge. From the beginning, Smith & Wesson® firearms were noted for their innovative design, high quality production and reliability. The accomplishments of Smith & Wesson are numerous and its contributions to the history of firearms are vast. Smith & Wesson was an industry leader in 1852 when it was first founded and continues to lead the world today with innovations into the 21st century.
Description Barrel Caliber Cylinder / Magazine capacity Price Qty


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6.5" 44 Magnum / 44 Special 6-round $1,099.99