Dominant buck urine is a way for mature bucks to claim their territory and will attract other bucks to the area. Use during pre-rut and rut can lure dominant bucks in the area to cruise through more often in rival of their territory. When used in combination with doe estrous in the Rut Rouser® Dual Mister, it becomes a powerful attractant.
The high quality synthetic Dominant Buck Urine scent cartridge is mess-free, easy to install, and interchangeable while on the hunt. For easy at-a-glance recognition, the cartridge is clearly labeled with the name of the contents. It's sealed with a screw-on cap that can be reused to cap the cartridge for storage.
- Can be used in Hunter’s Kloak® Gen 2 Kloak Mister, Ghost Mister, Pro Mister or Rut Rouser Dual Mister
- Easy to install
- Scent clearly labeled on cartridge
- Mess-free
- Screw-on cap
- Lasts approximately 4.5 hours
- Size: 2.5 fl. oz.
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