
AccuBow X.0 Virtual Crossbow Simulator zoom in


AccuBow X.0 Virtual Crossbow Simulator

The AccuBow® X.0 is the world's first virtual crossbow simulator! With a realistic phone-to-scope crosshair interface and a rapid fire pump action cocking mechanism, you can now go on your favorite virtual archery hunt and have fun for hours on end!

Providing fun for all ages, AccuBow has teamed up with Barnett Crossbows® to engineer the all new AccuBow X.0 – the world’s first ever virtual crossbow simulator. Shoulder the AccuBow X.0 as you would any other crossbow and then look through the scope to settle your crosshairs in on your virtual target!

The free AccuBow App is available for all iOS and Android devices and features 30+ different shooting modes! AccuBow X.0 users can toggle to the crossbow scope-to-phone interface within the app to customize their crossbow experience. Shooting modes include target shooting, bowhunting around the world, bow fishing, and numerous other custom arcade simulation games such as duck hunting, archery golf, zombie apocalypse, and many more. With online multi-player capabilities and even a “walk and stalk” mobile hunting simulation, immerse yourself in the ultimate virtual crossbow shooting experience.

  • Integrated scope-to-phone sight interface
  • Rapid fire pump action string cocking
  • Trigger enabled firing system
  • High density polycarbonate frame
  • Sight magnification adjustments within the app
  • Universal phone mount included
  • Free AccuBow App for virtual shooting with mobile device
  • Powered by Barnett Crossbows
  • Fun & Realistic crossbow simulator for All Ages

AccuBow’s® Founder and CEO, Matt Pell, started the company when he was 26 years old. Matt has been shooting a bow since he was 10 years old and bowhunting since he was 13 years old. Although Matt is an engineer by trade, his true passion lies in archery, bowhunting and anything involving being outdoors. Just like most of working Americans, Matt found it hard to find enough time to pursue his hobbies, like heading to the archery range in order to practice and improve his archery and bowhunting abilities.

The thought came to Matt one day, “If only there was a way I could practice from anywhere without having to dry fire and retrieve arrow upon arrow...” and so the idea of the AccuBow was born!

The first prototype of the AccuBow was very basic, with a resistance band connected to a PVC stick and a laser pen taped to the stick so Matt could see where he was aiming. Using the product for his own personal strength and accuracy training, he soon began to see the improvements to his archery abilities and decided to share this prodcut with the world.

Matt then went to work designing and improving the AccuBow so it can be usable for all ages, strength and skill levels. Even as a small team, they continue to improve each and every day with the different AccuBow models, enhancing the abilities and functionality to better suite the needs of their customers. From the AccuBow 1.0 to the foldable Accubow 2.0 and even the AccuBow Nano which is great for teens and beginner shooters, they continue to improve each day to give you a product you cannot live without.

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